Please feel free to use these materials and handouts as you see fit. They have been developed over many years and might help you embed and encourage learning within your workplace.



The first is the Team Effectiveness Questionnaire. The TEQ simply provides people with a mechanism for exploring and discussing aspects of behaviour, found to lie at the heart of effective teams. The higher the positive score, the greater the potential for effectiveness. But more importantly, from a learning perspective, the more variation in those scores between team members, the more there is to understand about why perspectives differ.


The TEQ clusters behaviours into eight attributes or qualities.


 The second is the Organisational Expectancy Grid. This is a simple way of starting a discussion atound the values that are important to see demonstrated within organisations.  What is evident (and needs celebrating) and which of the four key values need to be rediscovered?  And what can you do to start improving things?



In 2013, I started a book on the value of peer-learning groups (or 'Boost Groups', as I've been calling them). Specifically the book is about how small groups of well intentioned folk can change, if not the world then, their organisations. I have included a template for running a Boost Group here. Please let me know how you get on...I might even use your examples in the book!